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Maker Monday

With winter right around the corner we thought it would be fun to do an activity that involves something fun to do during the cold months, skiing! This week the kids will be making a "skier" out of tin foil and racing their "skier's" to see who wins!

Making this project is very simple and includes things that you can probably find around your house.

supplies needed:

Tin Foil


Craft Sticks (4 per skier if they are the skinny ones)

Books, planks of wood, or anything you can find to use as a race track.

Simply assemble a skier using the tin foil and tape, tape the craft sticks to the bottom or feet of your skier to act as the ski's.

Find materials around your house to send the skiers down to race each other.

You can easily find gold, silver, and bronze certificates to present to the winners of the race. You can also turn this into more of a educational experience for the kids and ask them questions like;

Do you think there are ways that we can make the skier go faster or further on the track? If so what could we do? Then proceed to get the kids to show you.

If not ask why?

Asking these questions creates curiosity in the kids and gets them to think of things differently.

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