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Book Talk/Maker Monday Intro

Hello all and welcome to December 2020! We are almost through another year, it really is hard to believe...

Last week instead of doing a book talk like I normally have been doing, I decided to do something slightly different. I showed the book trailers for the book fair. With everything being so different this year I opted to host a virtual book fair, I am very pleased to say that we sold just over 100 books! With that being said I would like to take the time to say a great big "Thank You!" to everyone who participated in the virtual fair.

One of the things I am missing the most this year is the constant hum of kids in the Learning Commons. Anyone who has visited our space knows what a vibrant, bustling, and at time noisy space it can be! I love it! I always had so much fun planning and watching the kids participate in our maker space, especially when the stations are a big hit, like our reindeer races, or the production studio. So because we at this time are not able to have these stations happening, Mr. Tyslau and myself thought it would be a great idea to bring a station to you the students once a week. This past Monday we introduced Maker Monday! For the time being we will be doing this for the 3 Monday's in December and see where that takes us with January. We will be continuing to follow the STEAM ideology as closely as we can. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math).

Our first Maker Monday is Salt Painting. This is a fairly quick and definitely fun project to do with kids. And certainly easy to do at home! And the results are very pretty.


This fun and easy project takes very little time and is good for all ages!


- Salt

- Snowflake cut out (You can find these anywhere online)

- Q-Tips

- Dixie cups for food coloring and water

- White Glue

Step 1: Carefully trace the snowflake pattern using the white glue until the pattern is complete.

Step 2: Using the salt provided, cover the wet white glue with the salt. Try to keep the excess salt to reuse on multiple patterns. (There will be quite a bit). Leave out to dry completely, which should take a couple of hours.

Step 3: Once the snowflake pattern is dry, mix water and a drop or two of food coloring. It might help to use a larger dish if you have it, to mix the food coloring and water, and then distribute into the dixie cups for student use. The more food coloring the brighter the color.

Step 4: Using a Q-tip dip the Q-tip into the water food coloring mixture and dab it onto the dried snowflake. Watch how is spreads through out the snowflake! Make sure to cover the snowflake. Let dry completely.

Let it dry.

Finished Project!

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